May 03, 2021



This is my word for 2021.

Besides surviving the pandemic, some of you know that our family went through another crisis of sorts last year – our oldest son's marriage was ended. Watching him face such a devastating trial with faith and perseverance taught me much about surrendering to God.

So many have experienced or are in the middle of the fiery embers of divorce. I truly believe that destroying marriages is one of satan's favorite pastimes. In doing so, not only is he able to turn two souls against one another, but he also leaves behind a lifetime of pain and confusion in the hearts of the children of divorce. They are the ones left holding the tattered pieces of a shattered promise made without their consent.

I know there is someone out there right now, who is contemplating divorce. You're tired. Miserable. You feel that life would surely be better 'if only'...

There may be someone reading this who is just ready to give up, period. Life is too hard. There's no meaning or purpose. What's the point of continuing?

But if you feel like giving up on your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your best friend or even yourself, God has one word for you: SURRENDER.


I grew up as most of you. saying this prayer at bedtime:

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray the Lord my soul to keep,

If I should die before I wake

I pray the Lord my soul to take.”

With my Mama bending over me and my hands around her neck, I remember rushing through the 'dying before I wake' and the Lord taking my soul part. I disliked it so much that when I had my own children, I only taught them the first two verses. In their sweet little boy voices, the prayer sounded something like this:

Now I lay me down to sleep,

I pray dalormysoullakeep. Aaaaaa-men.”

But you know what? I was wrong.

I should've taught them the whole prayer. I should've been as bold as the ancient Jewish Moms of long ago...


Psalm 31:5 is one of the Hebrew Prayer Blessings that has been prayed by Jewish families for thousands of years:

Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth.” (KJV)

Think about it. Every single night, those tired Jewish Mamas would lean down as their sleepy babies pulled them nose to nose...

And committed their spirits to the Lord.

You might recognize the first words of that verse. They are pretty much the same words Jesus said on the cross. His final words on the cross:

Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I COMMIT my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.” (Luke 23:46)

Instead of "commit" some versions say “commend” or “entrust”. The Greek word is "paratíthēmi" and it means to give something to another for safekeeping. In His final moments on the cross, Jesus was entrusting His Spirit – His Lifeforce – to His Father.

Our Father wants no less from us.

Life IS too hard... relationships ARE too complicated... if you don't commit them to God.

Entrust Him with your heartaches and worries. Give Him your life for safekeeping.


And when you've gotten yourself all surrendered and commited... go and teach your children. Let's raise up a generation of children and grandchildren who will fearlessly pray ALL the verses of that bedtime prayer.

Because all our souls have always belonged to Him... 💗

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