April 05, 2016

"A Diós"

Aaaaannnnd... they're off!

The past two months flew by much too quickly, crammed chock-full of laughter and tears and memories to last, well... at least until Sunday.

And when it finally came time for them to leave, somehow I let them go without  saying “goodbye”.

I mean, I told them.  In a million little ways, I told them. 

The long goodbye came in waves...

of early morning visits with the deer...

 and skipping down the lane at sunset.

Waves of goodbye parties... 

overflowing with heartfelt prayers and songs of blessings.

Playdates with cousins...
and cookouts..

and nature hikes.

Tractor rides...

and Spa Days.

Blowing out candles..

and one last handshake with Gran-MiMi.

All without ever saying "Goodbye".

Those little faces... they are my favorite hellos.   It only makes sense they would be my hardest goodbyes.

So, go ahead...  call me a wuss; label me a wimp.  But I swear, every time I tried to tell them 'bye', my eyes got all leaky and my tongue grew thick and clumsy and my voice went up three octaves.

Because there is  no easy way to say goodbye to the ones who take up so much space in your heart.  

Winnie the Pooh said it best...

:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 

Instead, I'll just say 'ADIOS'.
Adios doesn't mean goodbye.  

Literally translated, it means "to God".  

And that's right where they're headed.