September 08, 2013


A few weeks ago, I received the following email from my daughter-in-law regarding a homework assignment for my granddaughter:

Hello Dear Family! 
Mandie is making a book of poetry and she would like to include your favorite poems. If you have a poem that you like, or one that is funny (and clean . . . MiMi ) Then please send it back to me and we will put it in her anthology. 

Much love,
Cassie and Mandie
Easy-peasy, right??  Nope.  Not so much.  Imagine my frustration as I continued to reject poem after favorite poem.  I mean, the hard part wasn't finding a poem that was clean, the hard part was finding a favorite poem that I thought would be worthy of my Mandie Lee. 
She is not just any ol' second grader, you see.  This is my Best Girl... the one who shares my name and owns my heart.  The only one who truly appreciates my Funky Chicken dance moves and can talk me into painting purple flowers on my pink toenails.  We are practically Peas In A Pod.  Except that her pod is only seven and mine is, well... half a century older. 
I am a little nervous about the poem I selected for my sweet grandgirl.  I hope she will like it; but most of all, I hope she will grow to appreciate the love behind the words...
She's seven, and she loves to read,
Especially words that rhyme.
She asked me for my favorite poem
This sweet grandgirl of mine.
I tried to recall and choose from them all
The verses I loved best.
The poems and prayers and promises
That stood out from the rest.
I searched in vain for perfect words,
And finally realized,
My favorite poem was seven years old,
With pigtails and green eyes...


I think you are amazing,
L ook how wonderful you are.
O nly God could have created,
V ibrant, shining like the stars.
E very breath I take, I thank Him;
Y ou make my world brand new.
O ne smile is all I ever need,
U nless... you give me two.
M arvelously created,
A nd fearfully made, are you.
N othing on earth will ever defeat,
D ream big and your dreams will come true.
I want you to know I am with you,
E very step, every beat of your heart.
L ove will forever keep us together
E vermore...
E ven when we're apart.
~ MiMi ~

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