May 31, 2013

The "U" in Jesus

I worked with a new stroke patient today.  A strong, independent man who can walk,  hug his wife,  and pet his puppies... but to his complete frustration, cannot figure out how to talk again.  He comprehends language, but is unable to express himself in speech or writing.  The only word he can say appropriately is "Yep."  And he says it.  Often.
I gave him a test.  I told him he would be graded at the end of the test and if he scored 100%, we would sing a song together. 

His test was to fill in the following blanks:
1) _____________ had a little lamb.

2) _____________ and Jill went up the hill.

3) _____________ loves me, this I know.

He managed to scribble 'M' on the first blank, gave up in total frustration on the second one, and started smiling happily when he got to the third.  He looked up at me, tapped his pencil on the third blank and kept saying, "Yep. Yep, Yep, Yep."  I started humming the song and he began writing:



Obviously stuck,  he stopped writing. 

"You're doing good!"  I said, urging him on.  "You can do this!  You know the next letter... it's the most important letter in His name. YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU know the next letter." 

He ducked his head and started writing again: 



He looked up at me with a big ol' grin.

"Ta-Da!"  I squealed.  "YOUUUUUUUUUUU are a winner!" 

He pointed to the first two blanks, shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. 

"Pffffffft", I told him.  "Mary and her silly lambs? Jack and that goofy Jill?? They aren't even worth remembering.  You remembered the One that really matters."

He started smiling again and said, "Yep.  Yep, Yep, Yep."

As he walked me out to the car, we began singing  'Jesus Loves Me'.  Joyfully, loudly and completely  off-key. 

He and his sweet wife were still singing as I drove over the hill.   

1 comment:

  1. They are weak, but He is strong. Thank YOU for such a wonderful story!
