Today is also the birthday of Dr. Seuss.
I think not.
Robin's Ode to Texas
(Dr. Seuss-Style)
Of the Republic of Texas I'm proud, yes I am.
It's the fav-o-rite state of our dear Uncle Sam.
Our state is so big and so wide and so tall,
You'll be older than dirt before seeing it all.
The miles go for miles over deserts and streams,
Up mountains and down rocky canyons, it seems.
You will pass armadillos and bulls with big horns,
Who will gaze back at you with eyes full of scorn.
Bulls know what you pay to put gas in your truck
For those trips to Paducah and Happy and such.
And bulls wonder why you did not choose to fly,
In a plane and eat peanuts
And float through the sky.
Or you might, instead, choose to walk across Texas.
Then you'll want to wear boots and not mess with shoelaces.
If you do mess with laces, beware and be warned:
Bend over to tie them...you'll surely get horned
By the bull that you passed when you ran out of gas.
The only safe way - and the cheapest way yet
To see Texas is not from a car or a jet;
But at home on your couch in your comfortable sweats.
Watching reruns of Dallas and Davy Crockett.
Whether you see it from here or you see it from there,
There are miles and miles of Texas to be seen everywhere.
The Republic of Texas. None other as great!
Excepting for God.
And of course...George Strait.
(Dr. Seuss-Style)
Of the Republic of Texas I'm proud, yes I am.
It's the fav-o-rite state of our dear Uncle Sam.
Our state is so big and so wide and so tall,
You'll be older than dirt before seeing it all.
The miles go for miles over deserts and streams,
Up mountains and down rocky canyons, it seems.
You will pass armadillos and bulls with big horns,
Who will gaze back at you with eyes full of scorn.
Bulls know what you pay to put gas in your truck
For those trips to Paducah and Happy and such.
And bulls wonder why you did not choose to fly,
In a plane and eat peanuts
And float through the sky.
Or you might, instead, choose to walk across Texas.
Then you'll want to wear boots and not mess with shoelaces.
If you do mess with laces, beware and be warned:
Bend over to tie them...you'll surely get horned
By the bull that you passed when you ran out of gas.
The only safe way - and the cheapest way yet
To see Texas is not from a car or a jet;
But at home on your couch in your comfortable sweats.
Watching reruns of Dallas and Davy Crockett.
Whether you see it from here or you see it from there,
There are miles and miles of Texas to be seen everywhere.
The Republic of Texas. None other as great!
Excepting for God.
And of course...George Strait.

I like it!!!1