January 01, 2014

Bite Me, 2013. Thank You, 2014.

2013. It came in like a wrecking ball, y'all.

Most years I stay up until midnight to welcome in the New Year with a wet kiss from the Dickman. Last night?  I stayed up 'til midnight just to celebrate the death of the Old Year.

My “word” for 2013 was PEACE. And I must say --- amid all the chaos of broken bones and detached retinas and lacerations and surgeries and dementia and emotional shrapnel --- Jesus gave me peace.  Well, at least those times I listened to Him, he did.

The problem is, even though I'm getting much better at listening for that quiet, still voice... there are far too many times that I choose to hear the noisy gongs and clanging cymbals. So much so that it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for you to perhaps, catch me driving down Coulter whilst screaming my head off and flipping the bird at fellow motorists.  (If that ever happens, please don't blame Baby Jesus.  Those are the moments that I obviously forgot to let Him take the wheeeeee-eel.)

Clearly, Jesus and I have some more work to do on that peace thing.  But I'm moving on, looking forward to a new dawn, a new day with a buttload of hope for 2014. Just the number fills me with hope.  I like even numbers, particularly the number four.  I was born on the 24th day of the 4th month. I have four fingers on each hand. (I also have opposable thumbs, but they don't count because I can't text with them.)  I am fond of my fingers. 
In honor of 2014, I have chosen the perfect word: GRATITUDE.
And why the heck not?  
I am the result of generations of love. I am the daughter of a King.  I am blessed beyond anything I ever imagined or deserved and I should absolutely refuse for my life  to be encumbered in any way by a lack of gratitude on my part.

Because whatever it is, good or bad... His plans for me exceed it all.
My worst days?  God's got a better plan. 

My very best stupendously outstanding days?  His plans exceed it all.
Please don't get the idea that I've not been a practicing appreciator, truly I have.   But lately I have been trying to take it to a whole 'nuther level.  I am amazed at the new perspective I've gained... stunned to find such power in gratitude.  It glorifies Him while it humbles me.  And I don't mind admitting folks,  I could use a little humbling.  
Living my life from a place of gratitude has already given me a different perspective.  I realize that I need to thank Him for everything...  for taking the steering wheel during busy traffic so that I can keep my hand signals to myself;  for patience with a husband who is a lousy patient; for shutting my mouth so as not to become part of the clanging and gonging and duck calling going on all around me.
Crazy thing about gratitude... if I am busy appreciating and glorifying, then I don't have time to be picking nits off somebody else.  

Has my life become trouble-free and serene?  Do I lounge in repose like the lady on the Calgon commercial?  Heck to the No. 
Being grateful doesn't make everything great; it simply helps me to appreciate what is.  Even better... gratitude strengthens my faith in what will be.

At the end of each day, I lay my head on a soft pillow of thankfulness. I close my eyes, I open my heart and these are the words that I pray:

“Sweet Jesus of mine,

thank you for this beautiful life you have given me. 

 Forgive me if I don't appreciate it enough...”

And then I go to sleep smiling, while He sings over me... telling me that everything is okay.  And that it's only going to get better.

Happy New Year to my friends and family. 


Wishes for new hope,

peace that passes understanding,

abundant love and blissful joy... 


 ...from a heart that is grateful for you.


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