October 08, 2012


"One day Jesus was teaching,
and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there.
They had come from every village of Galilee
and from Judea and Jerusalem.
And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat
and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus.
When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd,
they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat
through the tiles into the middle of the crowd,
right in front of Jesus."
Luke 5:17-19

That's what they are called. Those wonderful warriors who run to our rescue when the struggles of life become too heavy to bear alone...the ones who metaphorically load our paralyzed selves onto a stretcher and carry our burdens to Jesus on our behalf.
I am not ashamed to say...I have taken a ride in that stretcher myself, more than a few times.
And I have been honored to help carry the stretcher for others.
My friend Karne introduced me to the term and explained it to me this way: We, as Christians, do for each other what Jesus would do if He was on the earth.  We are the vessels through which He provides care.
While reading a book that introduced her to the concept, she realized that God had brought us together to act as Stretcher Bearers for each other.
It's true.  She has taken my pain into her own heart. I have shed tears for her sorrows. We have helped each other through some tough times. We have borne one another's burdens.
Blessed beyond what I deserve, I claim for myself a legion of Stretcher Bearers:  Mom, my husband, my brothers, my sisters-in-law, my brother-in-law, my wonderful friends – y'all know who you are.
God gives us who we need and puts us exactly where we are needed. 

Whether we know it or not.
A friend of mine recently lost her son in a sudden and tragic way. I had briefly met him on a few occasions, but his beautiful smile lingered in my memory. He and my youngest son were the same age. His mother and I graduated high school together.
My friend and her family are well-loved. They are wonderfully generous, Godly people who make the world a better place just by being in it. The repercussions of such a devastating loss spread far and wide.
We all hurt deeply for this precious family.
Our paths had not crossed often in the intervening years since high school; we had reconnected on Facebook and I had become a big fan of her witty and positive outlook on life. 
But to be honest, our lives did not intertwine closely enough to warrant the depth of sadness I was experiencing for her. My grief was beyond understanding.
I know I'm not alone in admitting this, but...I could not stop crying. I grieved endlessly for my friend, for the son of her heart. Tears filled my eyes each time I spoke her name. A heaviness filled my soul.
A few days after his memorial services, I literally woke up crying. With my head in my hands, I fervently prayed for God to bring peace to my friend and her family.
Later that same day, I was inspired to find her posts on Facebook to be courageously uplifting...full of hope and grace.  Nothing but words of praise to the God of Healing.
Though I know her to be a woman of deeply sustaining faith, I couldn't help but wonder...
Could God have chosen me to be a Stretcher Bearer for this sweet friend? 
Undoubtedly, there were many of us sharing the burden of this broken-hearted mother who had lost her son. All of us faithfully (though unwittingly) allowing God to weave our lives together into a comforting blanket of strength for the journey ahead. Through offerings of casseroles or cards, phone calls and hugs.  Prayers without ceasing.  Grief equal to the loss. God provided.
As further evidence that His plan was already in place before I knew what was happening, I recalled the image I posted to my own Facebook page the day I learned of the tragedy:

This experience has served to reinforce what I have always known to be true:  When Jesus asks us to “Bear One Another's Burdens”, we should take Him at His Word.  He is asking us to literally transfer the burden off our brothers and sisters and onto ourselves. For it is by enduring their hardship that we make it easier for Jesus to guide them through their oppression.
Being a Stretcher Bearer is a physical manifestation of God's second commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves.  To love them just as Jesus loves them.  To be Jesus in our own skin.

He never promised that this life would be easy.  He has always promised to provide what we need to make it through.

What we need is each other. 
To those of you who have carried my stretcher...I love you. I thank you. And I ask you to please stand by   :o)

I will do the same for you. 

Even if it means getting creative, cutting holes in roofs and dropping that stretcher right on top of Jesus' sweet head.


Before we know it, our burdens won't seem quite so heavy to bear...


  1. Replies
    1. I love you Karne Leigh.

    2. Hi Robin! Though I don't know you I want you to know what you have written is very inspiring and has helped me a lot through the loss of my nephew, Damon. Sometimes life throws at us sadness that is beyond belief and the only thing that gets us through is knowing others care about our grief. Our loss on earth is always heaven's gain. Thank you again for caring so much and supporting our family through this crisis. Lola

  2. (Somehow my earlier post didn't post so if it comes up twice, please excuse me)

    Thank you for sending something so beautiful out into the world today. (Oh, and you made me cry at work again.) I definitely think you are onto something. I've been thinking along these same lines and for the same reasons.

    I was particularly struck when our mutual friend, who had suffered this unbearable loss, posted on Facebook: "The overwhelming love of our friends and church family have blessed us beyond all measure. . . . . Your love as you are the hands and feet of our mighty God has helped us to carry on."

    HIS hands and feet here on earth to do what He would do. I'll never forgot her words and I'll always think of your grey cartoon guys bobbing up and down with the heart on a stretcher. We must be prepared to be in both roles, I guess.

    Thanks again, chica!

    1. I know without a doubt you were right there carrying that stretcher with me, Clarita. I love your tender heart and I'm glad you're in my life. Also, I enjoy making you cry at work.

  3. You were able to put pen to paper and write the sentiments that we all are feeling and sharing for the precious Dacus family. What an insightful thought. You blessed me and brought honor to God through your words !!

    1. There has always been something really special about this family, but it's nothing short of inspirational to witness their grace and faith under such trying circumstances. Thanks for your sweet words, Jolynne ♥
