August 02, 2012

Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain...

Dear Facebook,

Where did we go wrong?

When I first met you, you were absolutely charming and delightful. I checked in with you almost every day, giddy with anticipation of finding new messages, new friend requests...a new way to take  mindless breaks from the stresses of daily life.

You and I have had so much fun over the past few years. From side-splitting laughter with old and new friends to moments of  heartfelt poignancy. I have made memories with you and shared my family with you through hundreds of silly little anecdotes and countless embarrassing photographs.

But frankly, have changed.

Not only are you not as nice as you used to be...let's face it, you're not near as much fun. It seems to me that somewhere along the way you went from being a Social Network to a Political Network.

And in doing so, you have allowed your users to become much too comfortable hiding behind the protective shield of  their monitors, feeling righteously empowered to pontificate in judgemental indignation while hurling angry bombs of hatred at randomly selected  targets...much too often in the name of Christianity.

Facebook, you have provided an endless supply of obnoxious graphics and toxic videos for narrow-minded knuckleheads to post in your news feed. (Though in your defense, those are likely the same folks whose entire belief system fits on the bumper sticker of their car.)

I will give you this --- you have certainly given the Bible a break. Instead of  bashing Real Sinners over the head with the Good Book, many Christians now use you as their favorite battering tool. And in doing so, a climate of hate has been fueled, thereby minimizing any opportunity for sincere adults to engage in civil discourse with respect and grace.

You know I could call your bluff, don't you?  Just like Dorothy & Toto, I could pull back the curtain to reveal the 'keyboard warriors' who spew such negativity and judgement from the safety of their seclusion. 

But I won't.

I won't do it, because in my heart of hearts...I believe most of the perpetrators are basically good people who have gotten caught up in a bad practice. A near-sighted practice of intolerantly highlighting 'eye splinters' in others, while ignoring the plank in their own.  

What I am going to do, Dear Facebook, is take a break. 

That's right.  I'm leaving you for awhile. And while we're apart, I'm going to figure out exactly how Jesus wants me to counter all the negativity and prevalent hate that fills your news feed and saddens my soul. 

Peace and Love,



  1. Here Here!!!! I wholeheartedly agree with you. Good for you Robin! Enjoy your grandbabies, I know I do. Love ya.

    1. Love those g-babes. They almost NEVER want to discuss politics with me :o) love you much.

  2. Whew Robin, You write well. I had to read it twice to absorb it all and almost had to pull out the ole WEBSTER!!! It made me want to say,"Mama, what means obstinate?"!!!!!
