December 31, 2020


Yesterday... I made the very last visit to Dr. Firestone, my Ocular Oncologist in Oklahoma City. After almost 3 years, he declared my eye tumor to be not only merely dead, but really most sincerely dead! Not gonna lie, the Dickman and I both got a little wet-eyed and sniffly; not because we were worried about my outcome (I've always had a blessedly optimistic prognosis) but because we felt just so dang blessed. And humbled.

That rosy-hued feeling only lasted about 5 minutes after we drove thru Braums on the way back home. In my fragile state of starvation I began scarfing down fries like a Schnauzer with a sirloin while Dickie drove down I-40 with a lead foot. All of a sudden I started choking... seriously-wondering-if-this-is-how-it-all-ends-choking... until beaucoups (French for a “butt load”) of chewed up fries began spewing like Spindletop out of every orifice on my face.

Which is pretty much a metaphor for how our entire year has gone.

2020 has been a year of extremes: Beautiful mountain peaks and soul-gutting valleys. Terrible heartache followed by unremitting joy. Satan has been relentless, but oh, my Lord... God has been Supremely Steadfast. Not only has He supplied every need through every trial, He has overwhelmed us with unexpected blessings and undeserved favor.


I'm not even a little bit sad to see this year go. (Don't let the door hit you on the butt, 2020!) But I'm not breathlessly looking forward to Next Year, either. To be honest, I'm just perfectly happy to be right where I am... at home with my Dickman, gazing out the window as God spectacularly and finally brings the sun down on 2020.

He. Is. Amazing.

If you're still reading this, I'd like to wish you a Happy and Healthy 2021. But the truth is... if wishes were fishes we'd all be fried. 

Prayers are stronger than wishes. Our real hope lies in the One who gives us beautiful sunsets and sunrises full of promise. Since we could all use a little more hope right now, I'd like to share my New Year Prayer with you...


Heavenly Father,

Even though we may unwittingly carry the problems of today into tomorrow, help us to remember that we do not bear them alone. You go before us and make the crooked paths straight. Your Grace and Mercy are new every single morning. Help us to face this New Year with faith instead of fear. Give us obedient hearts that choose You as our Savior each day... hearts that choose love over hate, hope over worry, strength over weakness, kindness over selfishness, peace over division. May we listen for the sound of Your voice above the chaos and discordance of our broken world. Help us not to rely on our own fickle feelings and emotions but to be led by Your Holy Spirit. I pray You will rebuke, cancel and destroy any attack from the enemy against us. Father, I lift up friends and family who are grieving; please comfort them with Your supernatural peace. Hold those who are sick and hurting in your Mighty Hand. Comfort with Your healing power and protection. Forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive others. And oh dear Lord, may we never grow weary of doing good. 

All glory and honor be Yours in the New Year and Forevermore.

In Jesus’ name,


December 24, 2020

Sleep In Heavenly Peace

Finally. Christmas Freaking Eve.

I'm not at all sure how we got here. By my calculations, there were at least 23 extra months somewhere between COVID and CHRISTMAS. Honestly, the only reason I know that it's the Night Before Christmas is because my six G-Babes are excitedly counting down the hours to Santa Claus... a bright and hopeful spot in a not-so-bright year.

Speaking of Bright Spots... we were on our way to Maxwell's Christmas Farm Monday evening when we saw the Bethlehem Star shining bigly in our beautiful Texas sky. I began pointing wildly and talking loudly about how the Wise Men were led by a similar bright star on the night Baby Jesus was born. My G-Babes were more like, “Meh, it's not THAT big or bright. I bet the star that the Wise Men saw was waaaaay brighter.”

As I was reading Colossians later that night, I decided they were right. Colossians 2 says: “Everything of God gets expressed in Him so you can see and hear him clearly. You don't need a telescope, a microscope or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ and the emptiness of the universe without him. When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything." (The Message)

His power extends over EVERYTHING.

The brightness of the 2020 Bethlehem Star only gave us a hint at the fullness of Christ. Yet that brilliant merging of light brought all Believers a moment of hope in anticipation of His coming... an event that will outshine anything we've ever dreamed or imagined.

I sincerely hope that you are making the most of this holiday season and - like us - are simply having a wonderful Christmas time. I pray that your Christmas is filled with family, fellowship and “everything bright and beautiful that He has for us.” (Colossians 1:13-14)