I am an ambivalent fan of Mother's Day.
Any day that honors Mamas is more than justified. But Mother's Day is one of those Hallmark holidays that often misses the mark. I've yet to find a card that says everything needed to be said about this day; never found the right words to honor our Mothers while acknowledging the pain of our sisters (or brothers) who find Mother's Day to be painful or oppressive.
Whether you think of your Mom as The Egg Donor or your Best Friend, one thing is for sure: Motherhood is not
an exact science. Mamas come in all shapes and degrees of neurotic-ness...
1) SINGLE MOMS: The hardest working
Mama in show business. I don't know how you do it, how you manage
to stay upright from the backbreaking load of responsibility. Three
words to you: You Are Enough. All your babies ever really need to know is that you love them and will always be there for them. Even when you've locked yourself in the
bathroom just to freaking pee in solitude.
2) NEW MOMS: Smelling like spit-up,
these Moms are pretty sure they are doing everything wrong and perceive every comment to be a judgment of their inadequate
parenting skills. I would gently say to these young mothers: believe in yourself. Embrace your God-given intuition and never doubt that you are the only one who could be the Very Best Mother for your
child. Trust the unbreakable bond that you have with your baby. And if the Voices of Experience are getting on
your last nerve, rise above. Don't allow your insecurity to limit the love
available to your son or daughter. Children cannot be overloved.
3) CHILDLESS MOMS: Those who would
give anything to be a Mom, who feel forsaken by God. My sweet
sisters, your infertility is not a curse... your miscarriages are
not “God's will”. Please, my broken-hearted friends, please
know this: He will never waste your pain. He will give you what
you need. He will use you to fill the void in other lives, to bridge the gap. Your arms will be filled with those who need you most.
4) BROKEN MOMS: You precious souls who come from a cycle of brokenness; who were raised by troubled Mothers who instilled your soul with worthlessness and insecurity. To the children of these Moms, I would say four words: It Isn't About You. Your Mother's lack of parenting skills would translate to any child placed in their arms. Your highest purpose in life is to break the cycle. I am amazed by your strength and perseverance. Broken Moms raise amazingly empathic and self-reliant children.
4) BROKEN MOMS: You precious souls who come from a cycle of brokenness; who were raised by troubled Mothers who instilled your soul with worthlessness and insecurity. To the children of these Moms, I would say four words: It Isn't About You. Your Mother's lack of parenting skills would translate to any child placed in their arms. Your highest purpose in life is to break the cycle. I am amazed by your strength and perseverance. Broken Moms raise amazingly empathic and self-reliant children.
5) GRIEVING MOMS: I can't imagine
what it is like to lose a child – whether in utero or one that has
been walking around this planet for years. Losing a child defies
the laws of nature. We are here for you, to hold you, to listen to
your stories, to speak the name of your child when your heart simply
needs to know we haven't forgotten. We honor your grief.
6) AGING MOMS: Ahhhh, my sweet Mama.
It's hard to see her body failing, painful to watch her struggle.
May I always treat her with the respect and dignity she deserves.
May my well of patience never run dry. May I cherish every day of
our lives together. Give us strength as we walk our aging Mamas home. And for those whose Moms have found their way to heaven, hugs for your aching heart.
7) MARTYR MOMS: The Moms who never
sleep, who never eat, who never shower because they are too busy
seeing to the needs of their children. Who post their monthly menus on Facebook and color coordinate their children into high school. Stop the insanity! I
promise you will not go to hell for failing to iron your baby's crib sheets. Nor will CPS come and get you for hiding your favorite cookies from the kids.
8) STEP MOMS: Blessed souls who
often end up with half the responsibility and none of the
recognition. Seriously, is there anything harder to blend than a family? Hats off to you. Sending buckets of patience and a fresh
tongue, as yours is surely chewed to shreds.
9) FOSTER MOMS / ADOPTIVE MOMS: These Moms truly amaze me. To be chosen by God to raise a child who
grew beneath anothers' heart, to take them into your life and make
them yours. There is a special place in heaven for these Mamas.
10) GREAT MOMS: The ones
who never tried to be your best friend, but busted your butt when
you needed it. The ones who encouraged you to find your own way.
The Mama whose love was unconditional, but not without consequences.
These are the Moms who never stop hugging first. And who make a mean pot of spaghetti.
11) ABANDONED MOMS: I ran away from
home once, when I was seven. My Mom had angered me mad beyond reason,
so I made sure she watched as I packed my red plaid lunchbox full of food and headed out the door. I walked to a shade tree
at the end of the block, sat down, and ate the entire content of my lunchbox in one sitting. Suddenly
foodless, my future looked grim. I quickly decided that Mom had been punished enough and it was time to return home. Silly
story, I know. Because I have friends whose sons or daughters made life choices that took them too far away
from home. I pray an extra measure of God's peace upon these Mamas.
There but for the grace of God, go I.
I could go on and on, couldn't I? There are too
many kinds of Mamas to mention. Guess which Mom did not make the list?
No mention of that chick, because she simply does not exist. Every type of Mom, at one time or another, has managed to screw up the most important job we'll ever have. Thank you for the grace, Baby Jesus.
Wherever you may be along the continuum of
Motherhood... may we all learn to celebrate our journey, support
each other, believe in each other, lift / hold / prop one another up,
never judge, always love. May we be full of compassion, stop trying
to one-up each other, and strive to be somebody's shero.
Because it does take a village, y'all. Whether you are a Mom-to-be, New Mom, Surrogate Mom, Mr. Mom, Grieving Mom, Aging
Mom --- whoever you are, wherever you are --- you are the village.
We Are The Village.
We Are The Village.
We weep with those who weep, we rejoice
with those who rejoice.
On this Mother's Day, I hope you find a reason to rejoice...